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Division of Hematology & Oncology Hematology Oncology

Fellowship Salary and Benefits


Salaries are competitive and are set by the Office of Graduate Medical Education. Please see the GME website for the breakdown of trainee salaries by year and a description of benefits. Residents and fellows are represented by the San Diego House Staff Association, a housestaff-led labor union, which negotiates trainee salaries with the University. 

Moonlighting Opportunities

Hematology-Oncology Fellows have the opportunity to moonlight as the physician on call in the UCSD Moores Cancer Center Infusion Center after the first 6 months of fellowship. Some fellows also moonlight as internal medicine attendings in the San Diego VA inpatient services and VA Emergency Room. Moonlighting is approved by the program leadership, available for fellows in good standing, and has to comply with ACGME-mandated duty hour requirements.